Thursday, June 11, 2020

New Railing

All that is left to do is our new railing. Certainly less urgent now that the chair lift is in but does need to be replaced. We are now over three months with COVID-19 having such an enormous effect on our lives. But will it actually change anything? Will we heed the warning of Mother Nature? Mother Nature is awesome and she can be cruel. As I look out the window of my office I can see that the leaves and branches of the Black Walnut tree next door extend almost 1/3rd of the way across our yard now. This tree was just a sapling a mere ten years ago. But this invasive species, if permitted, would take over the entire area wiping out the maples particularly the nursery grown maples. Our maple at the back was also a sapling which grew in this soil and so would give the Black Walnut a good run for survival.

We finally had rain last night. At some point I woke up and could hear the rain on the roof. The garden must have let out a sigh of thankfulness. I shall see if the green onions have poked their way out of the soil. Nothing like a good rain to help that along. The tomatoes are doing well along the far fence (far away from the Black Walnut!) but they are the small tomatoes. However we could only get a flat of nine of them instead of our usual two large early potted ones. They are growing well though and a couple of them have flowers on them. The raspberries will be thankful for all of this rain. They are well into formation now for the early lot and then the later ones will bloom in early July and produce fruit mid-July. The birds do love the raspberries (as do we if we are quick enough to get some!).

Today more cultivating of the garden areas. Also some house cleaning which gets neglected during the summer months. Still no time for genealogy and I missed the webinar last night on DNA. Will have a look at it today if it is up. I got a subscription to Legacy Webinars as they often have interesting ones but one thing or another gets in the way and I miss seeing them. This way I can watch them any time.

COVID-19 worldwide 7,400,013 cases (increase of 161,245 over yesterday), 417,133 deaths (increase of 5,354 over yesterday) and 3,482,191 recovered (increase of 108,350 over yesterday). In Canada 97,125 cases (increase of 472 over yesterday), 7.960 deaths (increase of 63 over yesterday) and 56,639 recovered (increase of 1,067 over yesterday). Good sign to see us recovering more than are taking ill. 

World cases at 7.4 million is still less than 0.1% of the world's population. That is a good sign but the numbers are continuing to grow. Then there is the possibility of a second wave which could be, given that it would likely be into flu season here, worse than the first wave. We must continue to be diligent; wear our masks and respect distance if not wearing a mask. I try to, even wearing a mask, but it is more difficult in a crowded grocery store. We tend to go in the off times but sometimes get caught at a busy time.

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