Sunday, June 7, 2020

The Birds

Our tree at the back has never housed a bird's nest before so it is with pleasure that we watch the families of birds that have chosen to spend their summer with us this year. Yesterday they were promenading about on the back part of our lot under the spread of the huge maple tree. My husband and eldest daughter planted that tree the summer that our youngest child was born. It's thirty plus years of growth have given us a beautiful maple probably 150 feet high with a perfect oblong shape at the top of the tree. The foliage is thick and healthy looking and now we are graced with families of birds.

Our bird feeder has been visited by so many birds this year we have lost count of both numbers and species. It has been a treat. A blue jay visits us every evening. A pair of cardinals are nesting in the tree next door and they too make their visits to the feeder. The squirrels are also there and amazingly a huge crow backed off when a squirrel decided to defend its feeding rights yesterday. The hawk that lives a few doors up swoops over our yard every day and the rabbits that used to plague us are not to be seen these days. Possibly they are just in hiding and creep out at dusk when they are least seen.

Another hosta and hurutia (sp) to plant today. I have another root to remove so that the hosta has a chance. Once established the hosta plants grow really well even in shade and are a pleasure to look at all summer.

It is amazingly quiet today. The sun is shining and everything looks so lush and green.  

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