Saturday, June 13, 2020


Turned sunny after all yesterday. Decided to write my blog later today mostly because we were out buying 15 bags of garden soil. We have one spot along the fence where moss took over so have cleared that and will plant grass once again. The remainder of the soil will go back where the maple tree is. The thing with clay soil is that eventually the roots come to the top of the soil and in a forest the deep canopy of fallen leaves etc help to create a nice buffer for the roots but that doesn't happen in a garden so we will add a nice layer of soil under the maple tree to give it lots of fresh nutrient. It will need it to stave off the effects of the Black Walnut! The Black Walnut is a beautiful example of its species for sure but it is also an invasive species and will take over if you let it. I keep on pulling up the young Black Walnut trees that land in our yard but for the most part the squirrels are so active in this area that few of the walnuts ever reach the ground fortunately. I expect it will be that way as long as I am living here. There is a huge colony of squirrels here.

Still no genealogy done. Must get back to it but likely it will be late fall before I sink my teeth into anything. I will try to finish off the two newsletters owing before the next Blake Newsletter comes out.

I now have five cloth masks which I wear one day after the other whenever we go out. The only nice thing about COVID-19 is that it allows me to be the hermit which I am.

I ended up working outside on the one side of the laneway clearing away the weeds from the bricks that are along the side. Looks much better now. Usually I do do that about this time of the year. The other side will get done in due course.

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