Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Another busy day

Out today to the drugstore for my second Shingrix shot, a spare pair of compression stockings for Edward, another prescription for Edward and a few groceries. Managed it all in one hour and fifteen minutes. Everyone was wearing masks in the stores. Really nice to see. I think we will really corral COVID-19 if everybody wears a mask.

Would love to get some genealogy done but there just aren't enough hours in the day. Raspberries to pick and there is likely a quart or two of them and they are quite nice this year. We watered quite a bit to help them along. Radishes, green onions, lettuce and peppers available now in the backyard. The peas and beans are growing quickly and I need to thin out the carrots.

My orphaned sunflower is surviving; hated to pull it out of the ground where it was growing but it has transferred it would appear to its new spot where there is plenty of room for it to flourish.

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