Sunday, July 12, 2020


Canada at four months under a COVID-19 lockdown with restrictions starting to ease just a little but mask wearing mandatory in various cities. Confirmed cases 107,346 (increase of 220 over yesterday), 8,773 deaths (increase of 14 over yesterday) and 71,266 recovered (increase of 365 over yesterday). Globally, 12,507,849 cases, 560,460 deaths and 6,890,914 recovered. The acceleration continues rapidly worldwide. Our American neighbours have 3,290,994 confirmed cases (increase of 52,775 over yesterday), 136,621 deaths (increase of 668 over yesterday) and 970,345 recovered (increase of 6,933 over yesterday). I checked not too long ago to see how my second cousins were in the United States. They are my only American relatives; descendants of my Great Aunt Sarah (my maternal grandmother's sister) and descendants of my Great Aunt May (also my maternal grandmother's sister). I do not know very many of them as we moved away from my parents in 1976 and I have completely lost touch with most of them. I am hoping more of them will test their DNA and we can make contact that way.

Today I shall celebrate online with Christ Church Anglican (my home Church). Last Sunday slipped away on me but this week I have hopefully been able to set aside enough time to take part in the entire service.

Raining again.

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