Thursday, July 23, 2020

Cultivating finished and moving on

It actually didn't rain until late yesterday so I was able to cultivate the front garden and dig out the weeds that grow up between the paving stones. Finally accomplished!

Today will be a quieter day although not sure if I can find a block of time to do anything substantial. I still have a little bit of cleaning to do. Looks like rain again today and that would be a good thing. We could use a couple of days of drenching rain as the grass is quite dry. I have two more bags of garden earth that I want to spread on part of the back lawn and plant grass seed. Didn't get that last little bit done earlier.

My daughter is busy teaching so my days are a little more open as I like to spend time with her when she is here. But she has less time to help me so I do more chores than I was doing for a couple of weeks.

Looking forward to the Sunday Service coming into my mailbox and I think I have managed to rearrange everything so that I can have my Church Service Sunday morning complete with singing. I do miss the Anglican Church Service. I have gone all of my life to Church except for the last couple of years. It is nice to be going once again even if remotely.

The newest research project that I am involved with has begun. As a patient partner I am looking at the project through different eyes but still with the experience I have had working in a hospital and in research. I am trying to construct my bio so that it is meaningful to the rest of the members of the committee. It will take me another day to get it right I think and meaningful for the project. I now work on three projects although the one is quarterly and simply involves about one week of work where I use my copyediting and proofreading skills (and perhaps a little of my background both as a patient and as a retired hospital worker).

Other than that the day has begun, my sleep apnea plagues me on occasion and this is one of those days. Am I tired? I tend to refuse to be tired; it is my nature; I will not give up easily. But my mind is slowed down just a little and I am taking longer to think things through. I woke up twice with a lowered oxygen level but I do recover quickly. I keep up my good exercise and by the end of the day (and two cups of green tea!) I will feel pretty much the same as I always do.

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