Sunday, July 26, 2020

Heat Wave again or continuous

We have another heat wave for a couple of days. The sunshine is glorious. What a beautiful Sunday and I shall do my Church Service with the online morning prayer at the usual time or close to it. I do love the heat but perhaps I would not love it quite so much without airconditioning. We actually had air conditioning in the house I grew up in but I always found it so cold. I still find it cold but during a heat wave it is pleasant to come inside to the cooling after a few hours working in the garden. My father ran his own air conditioning company. He was a master electrician by trade but he had also attended Westervelt College where he obtained his bookkeeper accreditation. When I was about 12 to 16 I used to work in my summers in the morning for him entering items into his accounts and typing his letters and other correspondence. It was interesting work and I also answered the telephone and redirected his calls.

In the afternoons I used to help my mother with my two youngest siblings. I was pretty much a loner as a child and am very like that as an adult. I was only twelve when I went to High School although turned 13 by the end of the month but I was younger than my classmates and actually I was only 4 feet 9 inches tall when I went to High School and the principal stopped me at the front door coming in to ensure that I was supposed to be there and not at the public school from which I had just graduated the past June! He apologized for doubting it but I can understand why he would wonder about my being there. I actually grew nearly nine inches over the next year. My classmates were mostly people destined to leave school after Grade 10 as I had chosen to take the bookkeeping option instead of Latin. I wanted to learn to type well but I was the best student in that class by far and answered most of the questions. I never really got to know them at all. I was with the same group in Grade 10 (9E and 10E) and then in Grade 11 when my selections more closely matched with the "academic stream" I was in 11A with my bookkeeping/typing course an add-on that fitted into the study period fortunately for me as otherwise I think my timetable would never have worked. As it was I was not always with my class. Then in Grade 12A I took my business course before school with a group that also could not timetable the course that year so completed the entire four year course which stood me in great stead through the years. Then in Grade 13A I was with the group headed towards university and my form was mostly people taking Geometry, Algebra, Trigonometry, Physics and Chemistry although I was the only female in my Physics class and one of the few females taking Algebra.

A trip down memory lane; High School I was too young really and the same at University; I was still too young and then we got married when I was 20 and my husband was just starting into his PhD in Chemistry. We will be married 54 years in just another month or so.

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