Tuesday, July 28, 2020

John Lewis

Although not American, I did watch the service for John Lewis yesterday held in the Rotunda of the Capitol Building in Washington. We have been in that very room in the past when we visited the United States and it is a beautiful room so full of the history of the United States.

I remember the first time I ever saw anything about Civil Rights in the United States. We were watching TV and one of the items on the news broadcast was dogs being set on people protesting. I was incredibly disturbed by the sight of people being attacked by other people with dogs. It was just so wrong. The people were just sitting there. It is forever ingrained in my mind that image that I saw as a young child.

We are all one people and now during the midst of a pandemic even more so. We must all be together in this world; work as one unit to protect the environment; support Mother Earth rather than just use Mother Earth for our own gain and eventually in unison in one voice declare ourselves to be Earth's people not anything else. I am 100% British descent but I am also 100% Earth descent and that has to be more important. The very survival of our species depends on it I do believe.

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