Friday, July 10, 2020

One third of the way through July nearly

We are coming close now to four months (March 13) since we went into lockdown here in Canada. We are slowly emerging from that lockdown but I think it will be another two months before life has taken on a semblance of normalcy with that normalcy being everyone wearing face masks. Now mandatory in many of our big cities in any public areas that are indoor and if you can not distance two metres in outdoor areas. There is a big industry in facemasks and nice to see that something good comes out of our lockdown. Our industries are now producing PPE needed in vast quantities by our hospitals but also by any client based service. Local industries are producing masks in enormous quantities for those of us needing them.

We are still into our usual heat wave in July and this is pretty much the second week of continuous heat over 30 degrees celsius. I am still not complaining as the winters here are long and cold so a few weeks of heat is comforting. I have watered so much that the lawns are green for the most part but do need cutting once again so shall set myself to that task. Another couple of weeks and the pollens will be less and my daughter will cut the lawns again.

Must pick the raspberries today again with my daughter's help.

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