Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Rain, finally rain

It finally rained last night although today will be another scorcher. Brilliant sun and hardly a cloud in the sky. Once the raspberries are dry I will go and pick them. Yesterday there were about two quarts and there will be more today. Almost all eaten though; they are quite delicious.

The sunflower that I moved is doing very well amazingly. I rather thought it would just wither away but the stem is strengthening and the new leaves are growing quickly. I will keep it staked though as it has a slight bend in it. Remembered to feed the birds this morning; not always the first thing in my mind each day but I am trying to put it there. It is interesting to see them swoop in for food.

Still no start on my husband's story but perhaps today. The girls are quite excited that he is going to write that (well I will type it but still he will dictate).

The Black Walnut continues in its pace across the yard. I suspect by the end of the summer it will be three quarters away across (the upper leaves). Unlike the Black Walnuts in the yard at our cottage, this Black Walnut has spread out like a maple tree. It is actually a beautiful specimen; I wouldn't want it though as it is killing their maple tree. Since it isn't really a garden tree but rather a predator; I wouldn't let it continue to grow. Not being a huge fan of gardening it probably doesn't personally bother me that much. Although I think it has affected the raspberries this year. The bushes are about half of the size that they usually are in terms of actual height. They are still quite full though and lots of raspberries. I picked them yesterday with gloves on though as my one hand swelled. I do have these allergies to some things especially strawberries so do tend to avoid touching a lot of plants with my bare hands.

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