Saturday, July 18, 2020

Raspberry picking

Up early picking raspberries for my husband. He does love them so. We have had raspberries in every garden we have ever planted through the years. This garden behind us he has tended for 42 years. As the sod was rolled down on our back yard, we pretty much rolled it up for a rather large garden (about three times the size of the present one). Along with a garden plot, we grew most of our vegetables as we froze many many bags of peas and beans and canned tomatoes, beets and pickles. It was fun and always a family effort with even the youngest picking, fetching and carrying from a young age - willingly. The girls had so much fun in the garden and spending time with their Dad.

One more bed at the back to cultivate and then the front to weed and cultivate. Must get it done today as tomorrow is another scorcher and if it rains the freshly cultivated earth swallows up so much more of the rain than uncultivated land.

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