Thursday, July 2, 2020

Shopping Day

Out at 6:50 am shopping today. Not many people about and most are wearing masks at that early hour of 7:00 opening. We tend to buy groceries at three different places as each of them has the specific items that we want to buy. I do not have to go to the other grocery stores for a few days; perhaps as late as next week. We are still keeping pretty much to ourselves.

The garden takes up a lot of my time now as Ed is unable to do any of the work outside these days. The chair lift has been a great addition making life much more normal for him going from the main floor to his office upstairs whenever he wants. We moved the TV from the basement to the main floor into the living room we haven't used much in the last 30 years. The most use it ever had was for the Bible Study for Ed's United Church that we hosted at our house. I was working by then (at home, copyediting and proofreading) so it was a pretty basic Bible Study (no coffee or treats!). I was also pregnant with our second child but we had some interesting discussions. I remember trying not to comment as I didn't always agree with people but reminded myself that I am an Anglican and this was a United Church Bible Study. Ed certainly enjoyed being part of the group. I enjoy a Bible Study though; sharing God's word with people is a favourite of mine but I do that online these days. I receive the Reading of the day in my email box first thing and have been reading that for about 25 years now. I am still a member of the Anglican facebook group but it is quiet these days. The Anglican Listserv used to be so very active but as time has marched onward I do not have as much time to be part of a group.

On to more work; a very busy day ahead and this during COVID-19.

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