Thursday, July 16, 2020

Sleep Apnea

I have Sleep Apnea. Mostly I am able to work around it but every couple of weeks I get a few nights with just 4 to 5 hours sleep and I am literally wiped out! Although for me an hour sleep in the day in front of the television and I am again as fit as a fiddle. I recently bought an oximeter for my husband and decided to measure my oxygen level when I am waking up with sleep apnea and amazingly I was able to deduce that sleeping on my right side induces sleep apnea for me. I always thought it might be interesting to do the sleep lab at the hospital. When I showed the chart from a research study that I did four years ago our doctor basically said "are you tired" and moved on from that. When one appears to be very healthy then there appears to be less emphasis on taking care of little things like that! With so much death and illness around us at the moment with COVID-19; sleep apnea is perhaps less of a reason to do a study. Although I would still do a study (at 74 one does need to take care of the little things) as it can be quite annoying to have a bout of it! Plus my daughter is here so could do one.

My husband is feeling stronger which is good to see. His medical specialists have been very helpful. The physiotherapy has been excellent. It is hard work for him but he is managing to build up some of that lost muscle mass. We just concentrate on doing the exercises and adding walking to that. Really there isn't anywhere to go at the moment anyway. Staying at home has been quite easy for all of us. Would like to get more work done on my genealogy but the winter is just six months away and then I will get more done.

I always find the Daily Bible Reading such a wonderful beginning to my day. Today the reading was from Isaiah 44:21-45:8:

The Lord Won’t Forget His People

People of Israel,
you are my servant,
   so remember all of this.
Israel, I created you,
and you are my servant.
   I won’t forget you.
Turn back to me!
   I have rescued you
and swept away your sins
   as though they were clouds.

Sing Praises to the Lord

Tell the heavens and the earth
   to start singing!
Tell the mountains
and every tree in the forest
   to join in the song!
The Lord has rescued his people;
   now they will worship him.

The Lord Created Everything

Israel, I am your Lord.
I am your source of life,
   and I have rescued you.
I created everything
from the sky above
   to the earth below.

I make liars of false prophets
   and fools of fortunetellers.
I take human wisdom
   and turn it into nonsense.
I will make the message
   of my prophets come true.
They are saying, “Jerusalem
   will be filled with people,
and the Lord will rebuild
   the towns of Judah.”

I am the one who commands
the sea and its streams
   to run dry.
I am also the one who says,
“Cyrus will lead my people
   and obey my orders.
Jerusalem and the temple
   will be rebuilt.”

Cyrus Obeys the Lord’s Commands

The Lord said to Cyrus, his chosen one:

I have taken hold
   of your right hand
to help you capture nations
   and remove kings from power.
City gates will open for you;
   not one will stay closed.
As I lead you,
   I will level mountains
and break the iron bars
   on bronze gates of cities.

I will give you treasures
hidden in dark
   and secret places.
Then you will know that I,
the Lord God of Israel,
   have called you by name.
Cyrus, you don’t even know me!
But I have called you by name
   and highly honored you
because of Israel,
   my chosen servant.

Only I am the Lord!
   There are no other gods.
I have made you strong,
   though you don’t know me.
Now everyone from east to west
will learn that I am the Lord.
   No other gods are real.
I create light and darkness,
happiness and sorrow.
   I, the Lord, do all of this.

Tell the heavens
to send down justice
   like showers of rain.
Prepare the earth
   for my saving power
to sprout and produce justice
   that I, the Lord, create.

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