Thursday, July 9, 2020

Suckering Tomato Plants

I think this is the first year that I have ever suckered tomato plants. These tomato plants were nearly five feet tall when I finally decided that I needed to cut the growing tip out of them to let the tomatoes that are on them develop and ripen. A very unusual task for me as I generally just let things grow!

Low accomplishment on the genealogy front; a few interesting matches on 23 and Me, Ancestry, FT DNA and My Heritage. I haven't really looked at the matches on Living DNA. I did Living DNA primarily to get a snapshot of where my DNA was said to be most common (and I also tested one of my brothers who is the least like me in terms of shared cM). I really haven't looked at the matches although I know there are some. I uploaded two other siblings to Living DNA as well. I did get a distinct difference in locations which fitted well with my phasing of my grandparents' DNA. On my paternal side I am looking principally at Hampshire (north west), Wiltshire (east half), and Dorset (south east) and I know that I am the strongest match to my paternal grandmother and my tested brother is a stronger match to our paternal grandfather. The percentages show this to be accurate. Then on the maternal side, my maternal grandfather has a split (his father's line was from Devon (Bishops Nympton) and Somerset (Selworthy and area) and his mother's line was from Holme in the Wolds, East Riding of Yorkshire and the area around this village and to the north). Then my maternal grandmother's line was at Birmingham with migration from Staffordshire, Leicestershire and possibly Shropshire in the early 1800s and also from Bermondsey, Surrey and area with that line moving to Birmingham in the latter part of the 1830s. This line can also be seen as my brother is a stronger match to the Pincombe line from Devon and I am the stronger match to the Gray line from the East Riding of Yorkshire. I am a stronger match to Birmingham and my brother shows a larger London match. Interesting to think about that in these few moments but back to other demands!

My sunflower that I moved is doing extremely well and I rather think the stem is thickening and I will see a goodsized flower on that plant. Mother Nature is an interesting part of our lives whether for the worst (and COVID-19 is the worst that I have seen from Mother Nature in my lifetime) or the better (all the bounty that surrounds us in this world.

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