Saturday, July 4, 2020

Theory of Relativity

Happy Independence Day to the United States.

My Heritage has done some very interesting links using the Theory of Relativity and all of the ones that really work well are in my Knight-Butt lines. By far the largest group of my matches belong to this family. In this family I have Collapsing Pedigree as all the Knights go back to one family in Spetisbury. Henry Knight married Mary Oliver 25 Dec 1727 in Spetisbury Dorset. Of their 15 children only four survived to adulthood. I am suspicious that one of the members of this couple was Rh negative and the other Rh positive and as the generations followed this pattern would repeat itself in several of the descendants. My father was Rh negative but I am Rh positive. As the fourth of seven children (all of whom survived to adulthood) this was perhaps quite amazing (my mother was Rh positive). However, there were thousands and thousands of descendants of this couple as time passed (they were my 6x great grandparents). But it is interesting that I can see a couple of generations in my lines where the Rh+ and Rh- conflict likely emerged.

Henry Knight was likely born at Mapperton Dorset and christened there 2 Feb 1701 son of Thomas and Julian Knight. He was buried at Spetisbury 25 Sep 1778. His wife Mary Oliver was likely baptized 12 Oct 1709 at Tarrant Rushton Dorset daughter of Thomas and Sarah Oliver. I did not find concrete information on this line back the one generation but there was a Thomas Knight (husband of Edith) buried 23 Apr 1723 at Mapperton Dorset.

I subscribe to My Heritage (did  my health results there as well as my DNA), I subscribe to Ancestry and tested my DNA there, I subscribe to Find My Past and all three sites are quite interesting in terms of records. That is how I spend my pocket money so to speak; I do not buy anything else on my small pension so can afford to do that. Not having much time at the moment to use the research tools but when I do it is nice to have them accessible!

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