Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Today is a sleep apnea day!

Sometimes I go along for days without any problems with my sleep apnea. The cause of it remains somewhat of a mystery. But today was the day after a night of sleep apnea. I just can not really function with less than five hours of sleep at nearly 75 years of age. But then I do not really have to function beyond helping my husband get going first thing in the morning so I promptly fell asleep watching the news which is amazing in itself given that so much of the news is not very heartening at the moment. So an hour and a half rest period and I am back to functioning again! I would really like to look at my sleep apnea from a medical viewpoint since it does have complications for some of your internal organs but probably not going to happen for a bit. I suspect there is a waiting list.

Today I h ave a few things to accomplish which include picking peas and beans but my daughter has been helping me with that. Then we will take our one kilometre walk to help strengthen my husband and I think I will make him custard for lunch just to keep that protein high.

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