Monday, July 6, 2020

Too busy

It is amazing to be so busy during a pandemic. I was up at 6:30 watering the gardens and lawns. I moved a sunflower that had managed to grow in the middle of a hosta plant and really did not expect it to survive although I had carefully dug around the foot high plant and carefully removed it since it was possible to do so. I planted it at the end of the garden where there was an empty spot. By the end of the day it looked a sad and sorry sight although I had filled the hole with water and watered it several times. Then it literally bent over and I thought it was finished. But I propped it up on a stake and tied it in two spots to the stake and watered it for a few more days. Then yesterday I saw a new small leaf growing at the top and the other leaves had started to lift themselves up in the air. Today it looks wonderful. I do think it might survive. I love sunflowers, the birds fly into the flower heads after they have gone to seed and eat the sunflower seeds. It is a marvelous sight to see them fly in, grab a seed and fly out again. We have planted several dozen around the yard this year and maybe we will have a very interesting fall before migration of the song birds back to the south again. It is these little items that are keeping me so very busy along with helping my husband. He is stronger the last couple of days. We went out to pick up a couple of things at Home Depot and Canadian Tire that he wanted to see before purchasing. A quick trip (about an hour and a half) but he is pretty tired now and will probably sleep some this afternoon.

I need to pick raspberries; picked about a pint yesterday. I also want to do some weeding and cultivating but will wait for everything to dry up a little. No rain in the forecast so I will repeat my watering routine again this evening and tomorrow morning. The lawn looks quite green and fresh. Mother Nature oozes from every crevice in the bounty around us although I am pulling out the common weeds but there are still plenty of them that grow that I do not get too!

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