Saturday, July 25, 2020

What does today's Bible Reading mean?

Matthew 20:17-34

I will not quote the entire passage but one section just seemed to really be apt to our times.

But Jesus called the disciples together and said:

You know that foreign rulers like to order their people around. And their great leaders have full power over everyone they rule. But don’t act like them. If you want to be great, you must be the servant of all the others. And if you want to be first, you must be the slave of the rest. The Son of Man did not come to be a slave master, but a slave who will give his life to rescue many people.

Does this passage have meaning for us today? Sometimes the Bible talks in terms used along ago and alludes to situations that no longer exist in our world. But other times the Bible points the way to a better life for all peoples.

Jesus was telling his disciples that their place in the world was to serve and bring all people to a better life. Not to put them in danger or to be an absolute ruler with no interest in their welfare but simply being in command and using any means to stay there.

At these moments in our life one does truly wonder "What Would Jesus Do" in this situation in which we find ourselves. We no longer appear to be centered on a common goal; bringing all peoples to a better life.

As a Conservative (and a fiscal conservative at that), the huge expenditure of money over the past six months has appeared to be without a lot of thought. On the other hand, slowly but surely money has been put into the hands of the people and a good part of that money is keeping the economy afloat as people buy the necessities of life. I feel further and further away from my party as they consistently go after the government of the day (which is not them) to undermine their efforts. I would have liked to see a unified government in actual fact but I am not sure that this conservative party is up to the task. This latest difficulty involving the WE Charity is another sign of how ridiculous my party has become. No matter what the PM and the FM had done in terms of recusing themselves or not recusing themselves they would have been attacked. The idea of the project is wonderful and it is lost because of the other political parties. All projects are to the benefit of people. WE Charity was a means of getting this project out and quickly and now at the end of July all of that is lost and it is the fault of the opposition not the government. Really the Conservative Party must get its act together; start thinking like a national party and help the people of Canada. The CPC stance keeps forcing me to vote Liberal.

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