Sunday, August 30, 2020

And the week begins again

 Had a phone call yesterday to say Church will begin in person. I am still hoping for that email in my box with the Church Service every week. I am finding that to be very handy especially as I am unlikely to make the trek into downtown Ottawa to go to Church. I like the anonymity of a large Church so unlikely to attend the local Anglican Church which is quite small. Having Church at home is ideal for me and will continue to be ideal for quite a while. That being said, I go with the flow.

Today I would like to spend some time on the Pincombe Newsletter and hopefully complete it. I am all out of wills for the Pincombe Pinkham family but do have some documents which I photographed which I might work on gradually over the next few issues. Will see how that goes. 

Other than that a new week has arrived. The heavy rain of yesterday has passed on and the sun greets us today although it is just 12 degrees celsius so a cool one to start the day.

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