Monday, August 24, 2020

Cleaning Day again

 Alexa has proven to be a good addition to our assists. She reminded me that today is the day to vacuum the basement so will get to that this morning. I need to use this system more but it is a gradual process. However, it is exceedingly handy to just ask Alexa to store information or find something on the web. If Alexa was in the kitchen I could keep my grocery list there but that is still handwritten. I have three grocery lists generally plus a drug store list. 

Another interesting match that looks like the Gray family. My great grandmother Grace (Gray) Pincombe died in 1886 after a long illness. She was much beloved by her children with just one actually surviving to adulthood (my maternal grandfather). My grandmother said he mourned his mother all of his life that she knew him. Sadly two of her sisters died in childbirth and the third sister in her early 30s of dropsy. Her brother survived to adulthood married Elizabeth Noble and they had seven children. I have not yet traced down all of his children's children.

Downsizing once again, an old table of my grandmothers, a small wooden smoking table of my grandfathers and a bookcase from fifty years ago all going to Habitat for Humanity thus far if they will accept them. Gradual process of decreasing our footprint so that one day that footprint might fit into a much smaller place.

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