Thursday, August 20, 2020

Eleven days to the end of August

What an unusual summer this has been. Just eleven days and August ends. Usually summer is such a relaxed time but we came into it very tense with worries about COVID-19 and those worries have not eased particularly but we have perhaps learned caution as we go about our daily lives. It is sad to see the children live through that fear. Summer should be a carefree wonderful time for them just to soak up the sun, the fresh food from our own soil and play the games that we played as children. Just all good fun for them. Life has really been the meanest to them even though they do not appear to suffer as much from COVID-19 although time will tell on that. 

Today I have a busy time ahead of me as I need to do the cleaning that has somehow slipped by me the past two days. Then onto the Pincombe Newsletter which I want to accomplish this week as well. That just leaves the H11 Newsletter. 

Yesterday Ed and I sowed grass seed in the back year here and there where it had become somewhat bare. Our grass is usually quite lovely and we enjoy the green expanse of it. Not yet ready to give up our private living that is for sure. But we have modified it so that Ed can also still enjoy his green spaces. 

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