Friday, August 28, 2020

Friday has come round again

 Hard to believe it is Friday once again and the last Friday in August. This past week has been quite cool but not unusual. Summer is coming to and end; one of the strangest summers in my lifetime. We have emerged from total lockdown to a semblance of what life will be like for another year or so. One couldn't say that I am enjoying what has happening but rather I am enjoying the solitude that this happening has returned to me. When we first moved here I felt that solitude and I am feeling it once again. Spending twenty four hours a day with my one year old and my husband in a new job was an exhilarating experience for me as I adapted to a life away from everything that I knew. Gradually my path moved outward as I learned a new city. But mostly at that time I enjoyed the solitude. I did actually know two people from my university/high school days here but I found that I didn't really want to spend any time with them. I just wanted to be with my baby all day long as we learned our surroundings and worked our way down from three naps a day to one nap a day and then none. I didn't want anyone confusing my strict schedule and would often pull out of any events that I just didn't want to get involved in. My husband was busy learning the ropes of his new job. After nearly ten years in a lab working in an office was a whole new ballgame for him. 

And so the months passed and I loved that solitude. I am in that solitude once again although the reason for it is very undesirable the net result is a gain for me. My husband's health is at a level that is working better for him these days. 

I think it must be frightening to know that you will never be that well person again. You will always be restricted but he has achieved a level of acceptance that lets him move forward once again with his beloved genealogy. I am liking genealogy but I have never had that deep commitment to it that he has had and is having once again. It is over fifty years now since he met with his uncle and acquired the knowledge that his uncle had of the Kipp family. Over the next couple of years we met with many older members of his family as he learned what was known about his past. The unraveling of his myriad family lines was an amazing task that he took upon himself as time was available. He continues that task but is now sending files to family members to keep that work alive on into the future. I commend him for his devotion to the task. 

September is an unwritten book in our life. I find that very exciting in itself. We just never know what lies around the corner from us (a surprise visit or an outing that I want to go on). For a couple of weeks there was a handwritten set of notes dumped in our mailbox of someone wanting to buy our house. There were weird comments like all you have to do is have me come and it is sold without anyone else visiting. I suspect that someone is trying to acquire the set of seven houses to build an apartment building. We happen to have these huge lots (ours is 180 feet from the back of our house to the street at the back). The new light rail is just 7/10ths of a kilometre walk easily done in ten minutes. 

The garden is starting to show the signs of late summer. The tomatoes are slower to ripen. The sunflowers are now out in full bloom and soon we will have the birds coming to feed on that treat.

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