Thursday, August 13, 2020

From Romans 11, Daily Bible Reading

Some days as I read the daily Bible Reading I am in wonder at how the words flow into today, bathe our minds with goodness and let us appreciate what God has given us. 

From Romans 11: Who can measure the wealth and wisdom and knowledge of God? Who can understand his decisions or explain what he does?

The entire passage includes verses 19 to 36 but these two lines kept me coming back to look again at one of the great truths that has traveled down through the generations. From my ancestors as they wrote their wills and made their confession to Almighty God and then my ancestors who did not write a will that I have found. Who did not leave a testament of their faith for me to view these many years later. They could have left a will; I just have not gone through all the wills in the Hampshire Record Office. I have just skimmed the surface of records that exist on my ancestors and yet I seem to have so much material. Others will follow me likely in the centuries that follow God willing and read through these early writings of those who preceded us in this life. 

Another bright sunny day and I have completed the outdoor work for a week or so but then there is the indoor work. We need to maintain the house that we live in as well as the yard that surrounds us. It is an endless chore but modern inventions have made that chore easier for sure even in my lifetime. Perhaps especially in my lifetime. Wringer washers were the modern invention of my childhood which gradually worked their way to modern washing machines that do it all. I just load it in!

I did think a little about the Blake Newsletter. Not sure where to go with it; do I return to where I left off with the Blake Pedigree Chart held by the Blake Museum at Bridgwater? I think it is important to look at that chart and make sure that the records that have now been found match the content. Word of mouth was a very important tool in genealogy but sometimes mistakes arose and they do need to be corrected so that they do not persist. 

Almost the middle of August; this month has flown by. COVID-19 still controlling our lives totally. It is a mantle that we will bear for a while I suspect. I can not understand why the political parties in Canada want to bring the government down. A mistake was made for sure but nothing came of it. Should we overlook it? Perhaps someone needs to pay the price for not keeping on top of the game; for politics is surely a game that we all play. But I think in this instance that the Prime Minister is clear; after all the Public Service has declared that he has not lied in his testimony with regard to wanting to have a different organization look after the Student Program. The entire program was spoiled and the students have been the loser. This is a time of crisis and it is necessary that the political parties pull together and see us through to the end of it not bicker over a triviality that didn't come to pass anyway. A unified government would have been so much better through this crisis but the Conservatives were not up to it; they are just concerned with getting back into power so that they can destroy more of our libraries. As a Conservative, I find that the changes in my party are unacceptable although voting for the Liberals is a pretty hard decision that I have made twice now. I have no interest in discussion on abortion or gay rights or any of that with regard to rolling back to a time when teenage girls died from botched abortions and people like me get attacked with a knife because I knew about a lesbian relationship so no thank you. Forward we go with or without the Conservatives. After all they used the WE to manage projects during their tenure thus giving the Public Service reason to look at them again as a method to manage a program.

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