Sunday, August 2, 2020

Looks like rain today

Sunday again and another week has flown by. Whatever did I accomplish this week? I cleaned the house at least the basement. I cultivated the garden. We are now taking a one kilometre walk every day which I can see is helping my husband quite a bit. We seemed to have cooked up a gourmet meal every day which took some time. My sleep apnea acted up a few times and that diminishes any accomplishments for the day following. I did some shopping several days. Amazing how quickly a week can pass. If it rains today I will cut the grass tomorrow. Hard to believe it is August 2nd.

I will do my online church service today. I am enjoying being part of the online service. Not at all ready to go back to my Church in person but then I have not been in several years.

COVID-19 is raging in the United States; it is still here in Canada. North America is severely impacted even yet although in Canada we appear to have it basically under control but it takes just a few to throw a wrench into that for sure. Still seeing people without masks where they should have them on. A mask covering just the mouth is inadequate. Very disrespectful to people to not wear a mask properly.

Another day and it does look like rain. We could use a long soaking rain to really wet the ground to any depth.

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