Wednesday, August 5, 2020

My Pincombe line - DNA

Another interesting match on 23 and Me on the X chromosome. I finally have a semi-verification for my phasing of the X chromosome. One of my known Pincombe side cousins matched me on the X chromosome but the length was too short to be sure. Because her test was not on 23 and Me I do not have actual verification but the overlap with four other matches is now interesting given that one of the matches has ancestry back into the area near Bewcastle, Cumberland where my great grandmother's mother's lines were located prior to coming to Canada as my first Canadian immigrants - Thomas Routledge and Elizabeth (Routledge) Routledge and their nine children, son-in-law and two grandsons. They arrived likely in the summer of 1818 and known to be here by the late Fall of 1818. But as always with DNA one must do the family trees which I may just have time for in another six months! The phasing of the X chromosome with five siblings is fairly straightforward and you just really need a good match on the two sides to cement that phasing. But I do not have any first cousins and my mother's father was the only descendant of his mother (granddaughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Routledge) so finding that definitive X chromosome match with a really good length (the four that I have on 23 and Me are all around 20 cM or greater) is still a challenge.

One of my maternal grandmother's two sister's descendants testing would be helpful but I prefer to wait on them wanting to test and share their results. As the results pour into my set of accounts, it is gradually verifying the phasing of my grandparents. I also have some good information on my great grandparents phasing and may try to start painting that information this winter if time ever comes my way!

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