Monday, August 31, 2020

Pincombe Newsletter complete

 I completed the Pincombe Newsletter yesterday and it will be published online tomorrow but only in the project as I have decided not to publish the abbreviated anonymized version in my blog any longer. For the moment this blog is about life under COVID-19 and will continue as such until we move back into life without COVID-19 sometime in the future. IF we continue to practise safe behaviour of wearing masks, keeping 6 metres distance from anyone not in your bubble then in time when a vaccine is available life should return to normal. After all we have defeated smallpox which was another very deadly disease. 

Labour Day comes next week and traditionally that has always been a holiday in Canada. Hard to believe we will be at the first of September tomorrow. The children return to school beginning on the 8th of September. For them some normalcy in their lives would be rather nice for sure.

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