Monday, August 17, 2020

Pincombe Newsletter started

Moving right along and the Pincombe Newsletter has commenced and this was the June 1st 2020 issue. I especially want to complete it soon as the next issue is due the 1st of September 2020! This particular issue will have the chart produced by the original researchers Dr Richard Pinkham and Galen Pinkham for the United States of America. I have not done any research on the American Pinkham/Pincombe/Pincomb family other than my 2x great grandfather's brother Robert Pincomb who went to the United States in 1835 and I do know his descendants even down to the present as I have DNA matches with my fourth cousins since we share our 3x great grandparents Robert Pincomb and Elizabeth Rowcliffe. I did find that this earliest ancestor in the Pinkham family is mentioned in The Great Migration Directory: Immigrants to New England, 1620-1640 and New Englanders in the 1600s: A Guide to Genealogical Research Published Between 1980 and 2005. As with the Blake Newsletter I will no longer be putting the Newsletter into my Blog but it can be seen within the FT DNA project associated with the surname(s). 

This week is the cleaning of the main and top floors of the house. A heavier week for cleaning for sure but alternating weeks between the basement and the upper floors does save me a lot of energy I found this past two weeks and spreads out the work load. It will work well in the winter time for me also. 

Yesterday's Church Service has proven to be a wonderful addition to my week. I always was reading my Daily Bible Readings but did not always get to reading the Office. Having a prescribed Church Service works better for me as a layperson. I am glad that I started tithing to my Church years and years ago and that this being automatic I do not have to do anything further to ensure that I am able to continue doing so.

A couple of new interesting matches at 23 and Me, Ancestry, FT DNA and Living DNA keeps leading my phasing of my grandparents forward. One of these days I may start to look at phasing my great grandparents.


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