Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Solitaire - love the game

Another interesting round of solitaire to start the day. I do really like playing solitaire online. Microsoft has a great product and for a couple of dollars a month I play it every day; all year long. I have been doing that for many years now ever since I discovered it online. 

 The quietness of the early morning is something that I have grown to appreciate once again after the busyness of my life. For 10 years I was up at 6 every morning and out the door by quarter to 7 to catch the bus to get to work at the Medical School/Ottawa Hospital. Two years at the Medical School and then eight years at the Hospital. Before that I worked for various printers proofreading and copyediting for fifteen years. Then a few years of child rearing and volunteerism. And before that we lived in southwestern Ontario. As a child I loved the early morning; my father got up at 6 and made oatmeal porridge. Before he headed off to work I would go to the kitchen and he would fill a bowl with that wonderful hot cereal and then he was off and I was left with my bowl of porridge and my own thoughts as I slowly ate the hot cereal. I never put anything on it just the lovely hot cereal. Now I add in raisins, wheat germ, wheat bran and frozen blueberries. But basically my day begins like it did when I was a child except I cook the cereal for myself. 

Yesterday was a monumental day as I took Ed to visit our new doctor for the first time. I could feel some of the heavy responsibility for his care lifting from me and that is a good thing. I was overwhelmed with his care; I did need someone to help me with all of that. My daughters are wonderful but the one is busy with her teaching and the other with all of her own patients. We could move there for sure but we enjoy the city. 

Moving forward once again and Ed is feeling stronger which is great. He would like to live to be 90. It would be nice; so nice for his grandchildren and his children. They are all devoted to him. I am a day to day person so do not think in terms of living to 90 or any age particularly. I used to be different in my teen years and think that way but life changes your perspective as it did mine. I can see a benefit to the way he thinks but it is not possible for me to do that.

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