Sunday, August 9, 2020

Sunday and my week begins to fall into place

 Sunday again and I am gradually thinking that my days are falling into a schedule that can be maintained. The last couple of months have felt very unorganized but gradually there is some organization coming back into my life. Today I have my online Church Service and I am very much enjoying my worship time once again. 

Ed is progressing; he is walking more and God willing he will continue to improve to a level that he can be happy about. For him, this pandemic is more of a force keeping him home and quiet rather than his illness. We are concentrating on managing through this pandemic as the days pass by. The garden was a good idea although a lot of work the produce has been an interesting addition that we haven't experienced in a few years as our "food" gardening has been quite light for the past seven years. Just a few items but this year we have had a more basic approach to our garden. 

I am hoping that more organization will enter into my life once again and I will pick up the traces that got dropped during the pandemic and Ed's sudden illness and hospitalization. He is home nearly three months now.

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