Monday, September 21, 2020

Another Frost warning

The last of nearly a week of frost warnings and we will warm up a little here. The trees are rapidly turning their beautiful autumn colours. Our maple is now a crimson red at the crown and gradually working its way down. This is a stunning maple tree; perfect in its dimensions and a beautiful sight to look at out the windows of our home. 

Yesterday Ed had a  second day of successful walking about 1 kilometre. He is working hard at building up his strength now. The muscles are returning to his legs and his diet is very very strict now. He will have to stay with that from now on. The colour of his skin has greatly improved and no yellowing in the eyes. Being a non-drinker and non-smoker it seems unfair that sarcoidosis should strike him but that is the way with life on occasion. You have to take what you get and make it work for you. 

 Winter is coming; I can feel it in my bones literally as the arthritis now makes itself felt with the frost but I have learned to live with it and my exercise routine is a good help with that. 

Perhaps today I shall complete my rework of Chromosome 1 adding in surnames, location and year of birth to the matches. I have quite a block of matches currently living in California and I think I have finally managed to bring them all back to a common ancestor from Utah and before that from my Rawlings line in Wiltshire. For my Blake line I also have a huge number of matches that are coming down from a common ancestor in Hampshire. My father used to say that one of his Uncles (I suspect a great uncle) had gone west in Canada although I think it actually was the son of the great uncle and there is a large family attached to that line as well. My great grandmother Blake's brother's son went to Canada before my father and his parents. All of this extraction of data has taken time and I should have thought of collecting the demographics when I restarted the Phasing project but I did not think of it at the time - too deeply immersed in thinking about COVID-19 I suspect. Although none of my direct line went to Utah I have Pincombe, Lywood and Gray families that appear to have been part of the early Mormon migrations to Utah. My lines remained Church of England although the occasional Methodist preacher has appeared but they remained within the Church of England (being buried in a Church of England graveyard).

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