Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Another pre-Fall day

 There is a certain nostalgia to saying goodbye to another summer although I actually prefer the winter season in terms of getting "work" done. At nearly 75, work seems like a long time ago and what has replaced that time consuming part of one's life becomes work. Although very much to one's choosing work in my employed years was also very interesting for me. 

Yesterday I started Chromosome 3 looking at all the new matches in the last eight months and reviewing the charts I made using the 23 and Me Results to compare the four of us that tested there. I had some new thoughts on a set of three testers (three siblings I think) and whether they are actually Rawlings line. Will continue with that thought today as yesterday went much too fast and I really did not get settled into the project at all.

Today I want to do the basement cleaning as this is the week to do that and it is already Wednesday. Cleaning every week seems time consuming but I think I am less exhausted in the long run. There isn't that high concentration of effort to do it all in a couple of days and instead it is almost continuous it appears!

A few more items to go in the downsizing routine that we are into these days. Although a surprising amount has gone we are still pretty crowded with furniture, books, etc. It will take a long time as Ed has acquired a lot of memorabilia for the area in which he grew up. The museum there has taken some of it but he has not been willing to part with many items which really belong in a museum type atmosphere just because they belonged to some of the early families there (his families were early as well).

Ed is improving slowly gradually. It will take time but the medication has taken hold and helping with the sarcoidosis. 

In two weeks I will be 75 years of age. Three-quarters of a century and in my mind I can clearly recall being half of a century old and a quarter century old. I tend to make them as milestones in my mind. My first milestone was being a decade old and that was just before my youngest brother was born. I found it fascinating to be into two digits and my fascination with aging continues. I enjoy being one year older each year and always have. I did not cling to my youth at all but welcomed the aging as it has arrived. Consequently I never dyed my hair but just enjoyed the grey hair as it arrived as well. Perhaps that was because I was very late to grey hair; my husband was grey by 40 and greying by his mid 30s and I can see that one might find that oppressive in that case.


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