Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Beautiful Fall Day

Frost on the rooftops yesterday and again today. The crimson crest of the maple tree frames the picture out of the window as I sit and work but the Black Walnut Tree is in the way unless I walk to the window. Its crown stretches more than half of the way across the yard now. The white sheets are fluttering in the breeze that are covering the pepper and tomato plants. They are pretty much finished now. Perhaps cover them for a few more days and then the heavy frost will be the end of those plants for this year. I would like to pull them up and finish that task but my husband likes to enjoy the last bits of the summer garden.

Yesterday I worked on My Heritage matches as I extracted a number that I looked at before but did not enter into the system that I have created. Today there is a webinar on using DNA to build your family tree (just what I am doing) which I think I will watch. Everyone looks at DNA in their own way and listening to another's thoughts can help to give your own thoughts a different twist. 

One degree celsius now but will be a warmer day in the mid teens I expect. The sun is shining gloriously on this Tuesday the 22nd of September. Tomorrow I enter a new world of being 3/4ths of a century old. I can remember both of my grandparents when they were 75. Both very active people working in their gardens with what I would call a good attitude towards life. They had both lived 75 years and seen so much. One born in Upper Clatford Hampshire and the other born in Birmingham Warwickshire. Both lived in England to adulthood although my grandmother just barely so as she was just 22 when she arrived at Halifax and my grandfather was 38 when he arrived at Portland Maine as Halifax harbour was closed. He went overland on the train to Montreal where he stayed with relatives for a few days. Those relatives are still a mystery to me although I have a letter that they wrote to my grandfather at the time of the death of my grandmother in December 1940. But I think about those two grandparents that I knew as a child often enough these days. They enjoyed their lives in their own ways. Perhaps that was the secret of their success; being loners for the most part. I am a great believer in being a loner within your family grouping. Having your own life wrapped up in your family life. I still find the doorbell to be intrusive although I did try to make an effort in those early days here but I was much happier when I went back to work to be honest. Volunteerism is a necessary item to make our society work well for sure and I have done a lot and continue to do some. But working is much more fulfilling.  

Of course in retirement I still consider myself working as I continue to put together the family tree for future generations of my many family lines. These descendants of my ancient relatives have covered the globe and a number have written to thank me for the work that I have done in pulling out the original records for these 3x and 4x great grandparents that we all share. The tree is complex with collapsing pedigrees in several lines. I have also received trees from relatives which for the most part verified my research and their research. DNA has really been the pull for me that brought me into and keeps me interested in genealogy.

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