Monday, September 7, 2020

Cases on the rise

 Canada had 400 new cases yesterday of COVID-19. Doesn't seem like a lot but there has been a steady rise which is not a good thing going into the flu season. Labour Day weekend is typically the last big weekend of the summer and the weather has been quite good but a little on the cool side. Today looks like rain; cloudy and overcast and just 12 degrees celsius at 8:00 am. 

Ottawa and Toronto are the areas with the largest increase in Ontario with a total of 158 new cases. Given that Ontario has the largest population with about 46% of the people who live in Canada living here 158 shows that we are keeping it down somewhat but still increases are not a good sign. 

Yesterday we made our fruit chili sauce and, as usual, it is delicious. We will enjoy it all winter long. My husband also enjoys beet pickle but our beets did not grow to any significant amount so that might not happen. We will see; perhaps a jar or two just in the refrigerator. 

I am looking at Chromosome 1 and 2 of the phasing because there are basically no changes in the layout even with nearly 150 new matches added in. The pattern seems to be set although would like to have a few more known matches just to clarify the Pincombe line for sure. I have a lot of Pincombe matches on the smaller chromosomes but not too many known ones on Chromosome 1 and 2. It seems perhaps strange to do the most difficult chromosomes first but several of us received one or other of the chromosomes from our parents without many crossovers making it easier to look at the matches. I decided to collect the Clusters from My Heritage and then paint them using DNA Painter and that was an interesting experiment. I do have some good known Blake matches on the first two chromosomes and given that I have  many matches for my known five hundred plus third cousins on my Blake side alone (and I still have to pull out the data on three of my great grandfather's siblings!) the Blake phasing is looking quite good. The Rawling data includes matches to the father of my paternal grandmother and my suspicions on his identity have become much more focused these days. For the Buller line, I again have known matches, not as many as I would like to have. A number of them are on ancestry and perhaps one of these days they might take their results into FT DNA or My Heritage which would reveal that information. Some are in Gedmatch but their relationship is not close enough unfortunately. 

Another busy day as we start to think of winter. It is pouring with rain now and as always the garden likes to soak that up.

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