Saturday, September 19, 2020

Dentist yesterday

Both my husband and I had a dentist appointment yesterday. This was my second appointment under the new style (i.e. COVID-19 style). I had a filling (first one in quite a while actually) and it ended up being two spots on the one tooth. The cost of such treatment has really increased enormously through the years but then so has everything. Total time for me was 29 minutes but my husband had a cleaning which took the full hour. A big chunk out of the day in some ways and in reality a short time. We had gone for a walk at the mall earlier so wondered if Ed would manage so much but he did with flying colours. 

I am working away on a slightly different project. I am aligning all my DNA data with known information. In some cases I already had done this but now I am being rigorous as I go through Chromosome 1 and 2 which I have rephased. Chromosome 3 had some interesting ambiguities which caused me to stop and look at all the data that I have collected so decided to go back and collect the information that I was missing for the samples in Chromosome 1 and 2. The information may or may not help me but my science background demands that I be more precise as I fine hone this project. 

Starting to think about the Blake Newsletter due on the 1st of October. I am nearing the end of the project looking at the Blake Pedigree Chart held by the Bridgwater Museum in Somerset. I am trying to decide where I will next focus my attention. 

The fraud investigation is still ongoing but no new deposits from Facebook of the other three fraudulent extractions from my account. I am, of course, assuming that I will get my money back but do not know the process since this is my first time to be thus frauded. It really feels like an invasion of privacy and I am beginning to think as a crime it is more than just a misdemeanor because you make adjustments in your life in order to prevent a recurrence. No one really has a right to thus interfere in your life. I would have preferred to have the bank be more of a buffer so that I do not see the return of the money into my account by a foreign entity as that continues to feel like an invasion of privacy. I would have liked them to collect it all up and then render an explanation of the fraud at the completion of the investigation and a rendering of the account. I do feel that the individual who committed the fraud should be penalized in some meaningful way. They have committed a crime to my way of thinking. I used to think it was cruel the treatment meted out in days gone by even towards children in terms of punishment but the inconvenience of wondering how to protect myself from fraudulent activity makes me feel that the person who has committed the fraud should receive some sort of punishment perhaps in doing hours of community service similar to the time that it will take to resolve this case and for the inconvenience caused to me by this case.

Today we have weather stripping to fix on one of our doors. Some caulking to redo that has split. One last room to clean as I did not accomplish that one the other day. Just a surface cleaning and want to do a more indepth cleaning. Outside the cleanup for winter has begun. It was minus 2 here last night although still no heavy frost on the ground but the end of the garden is in sight - hurrah! Summer is not my favourite season as the days are very long and the time to do meaningful work (recreation!) is limited.

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