Saturday, September 5, 2020

Fruit Chili Sauce

 With the single digit temperature at night (Alexa is showing the temperature here in Orleans at 7 degrees celsius this morning), the need to make our winter cache of Fruit Chili Sauce has become apparent. Yesterday we went and bought all the ingredients. In the past we did grow them all but that is a while ago now. It is a major creation taking about three hours to prepare the raw sauce and then another three hours to simmer it down to about eight pint jars of delicious sauce. We have made this for 54 years now and it is Ed's grandmother's recipe. My mother always made a mustard sauce that had been her grandmothers and for years I also made that but haven't done it since I no longer did my proofreading and copyediting at home and went out to work in 1994. That seems like an age ago now almost half of our married life. I worked for eight years before our first child was born and then I was home a few years and started doing proofreading and copyediting. I have been retired for twelve years now. I tore my rotator cuff  and finally retired as I simply could not keep working at that time. Hard to believe the work that I do now with that shoulder but it did completely heal I am happy to say. As has my knee from my fall last year. I have been very lucky in that regard. 

Slowly working my way through the chromosomes once again; I have redone the phasing of Chromosome 1 (and there actually were no changes but new matches helped to work on the one set of data that isn't in 23 and Me. Chromosome 2 also looks to be staying the same but I am once again adding in new data especially known data. It is surprising how accurate some small matches can be and others where I know how we match do have the occasional small match which does not fit at all with the known data. Obviously a duplicate ancestor way into the past who managed to pass on a small segment through the eons unchanged!

I started this task in February 2020 but life very much got in the way and I had to keep putting it down for other more needy reasons.

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