Tuesday, September 15, 2020

My Brain is so much slower to react

Yesterday was pretty busy and that does tire me now. My brain does not react quite as quickly as it did when I was younger! No surprise there. My husband decided that the wheels on his cart upstairs needed some oil and when he asked for the jig-a-loo I gave it to him last night. He sprayed the wheels and that apparently left a slippery spot which he fortunately noticed this morning and did not have a fall but by then it was on his slippers as well. So first thing I washed the floor to remove the oil and his slippers. Today I am thinking one should do that out of doors but last night brain was a little slow. I tend to think quickly still but any extra activity and I am noticing now that the brain does not react quite as quickly when it is tired. 

At almost 75 I think that caring for someone full time for a long period is a very hard thing to do. Fortunately my older daughter has been very helpful as she generally spends her research time here with us in the summer. I will find it much harder having to do it entirely on my own. 

Today another new match that is quite interesting. I have information on the Butt family in Canada (Joseph Butt married Sarah Arnold and both were siblings to my Charles Butt and Hannah Arnold 3x great grandparents)  but it does not cover all the family members. It was a huge family as Joseph and Sarah had a large family and then emigrated to Canada where Sarah died in childbirth. Joseph remarried and he and his second wife had a large family. It shows up in the genes as the first group of children are a stronger match than the second group since I am sharing only half of the genes with the second group. This family has moved all across Canada and the United States. They were in the United States by the 1860s and appear to have moved to many many states there. My own line coming down from Louisa Butt (daughter of Charles Butt and Hannah Arnold) is quite small but some of the other children of Louisa had large families and this group moved west in Canada with Louisa's grandson moving to Canada in the late 1800s. 

I will maintain a log of the fraud against my bank account and that is still being reviewed by the bank. The case will be open for two to four weeks according to the investigator. I do not really expect to hear anything until the end of that time period.

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