Sunday, September 13, 2020

No one is immune to fraud apparently

Received a call from the bank today to say that they had shut down my debit account (thank goodness!) due to four charges made to the account via facebook. Hopefully I get my money back (over $500 Canadian). I never realized how fragile we are really. I almost never use my debit card and it travels about in a RIF box in my purse. Generally given the COVID-19 conditions at the moment when I am going to use my credit card I take it out in advance and put it into the RIF pouch in my purse so accessing my debit card rather amazed me. I actually check the bank accounts every morning but had not done so this morning until I had the call from the Fraud Line. I think I am back to checking morning and evening once again. Since my pension is pretty small I can not really afford to have a $500 defraud anymore than any one else. I have always been pretty content not to have a lot of money; the less you have the less that will be stolen from you!

Yesterday was a really busy day although it wasn't planned on being busy. I did not manage to get any meaningful time on the computer and suddenly last night I realized I had not backed up my computer throughout this entire COVID-19 happening. So I set that up and I am now backed up once again. I have actually added several hundred matches that I discovered working my way through all of my DNA kits so it was a timely backup. Although my computer is relatively new tragedy can strike for sure and it is always better to be backed up. 

Raining today and as always the grass can really make good use of that rain. The lawns are so green now; it is glorious looking out the window. 

Online service today on You Tube for Church for the actual service in the building. I almost think I enjoyed the On-line services that I did totally by myself more but do try to remember that Christ said we should gather together and read the Bible, pray and sing. I am still not going to be doing that but perhaps one day. I did learn from my Anglican ListServ that we are all sinners. None of us is perfect and my failing (amongst others probably) it would appear is a reluctance to attend Church in person.

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