Thursday, September 3, 2020

Our 54th Wedding Anniversary

 Ed and I have been married for 54 years today. We have so many pictures of our life together. We are so lucky that we have done so much traveling especially from 2008 to 2016 when we traveled back to the homes of our ancestors in the British Isles (me and some of Ed's ancestors) and Europe (Ed's ancestors and I have discovered some Huguenots who came to England in the 1500s or earlier). There was no way to know that travel would become so limited now both for health reasons (Ed) and because of COVID-19. Thanks be to God for directing our minds towards traveling. 

For over 30 years we have traveled back to the areas in the United States where Ed's colonial ancestors lived and discovered his completely lost heritage. These settlers arrived in Canada from 1800 on with a number of them coming in the 1820s and 1830s. His Loyalist ancestors came to the Maritimes for the most part although a few did come to Eastern Ontario in the 1780s. 

He now has some immigrant ancestor stories of his people coming to the American Colonies as Dissenters which were totally lost over time. They make exciting reading and include many well-known religious leaders in the Baptist and Quaker faiths. We attended a 250 year reunion for John Bowne and Hannah Feake in New York a number of years ago which was very well attended with people coming from all over the United States and a few from Canada. 


Our Wedding Day and this is a picture of Ed and I with my maternal grandmother. I spent a day every weekend with her since I was quite young. I helped her with her garden and eventually I helped her with cleaning her house. We talked and spent much time looking at the booklets that she brought back from England when she visited there in 1939. All lost to time unfortunately.

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