Thursday, September 24, 2020

Six days left in September

COVID-19 is back in the news cycle as cases start to increase or will we beat back a second wave at least maintaining cases at a reasonable low level which can be handled readily in the system. We are back into our hibernating for most of the time just going out for necessary trips. 

Worldwide we are approaching 32 million cases with nearly 1 million deaths and nearly 22 million recovered. The world's population is 7.8 billion according to That is 0.4% of the world's population. The problem is that the coronavirus is out of control and continues to be out of control. Now into the second wave and as our winter approaches the bulk of the world's population will be once again in the eye of the wave so to speak. Flu season is also upon us and that is a system user as well in terms of health care. We must be vigilant and beat down the second wave. Will there be a third wave in the spring? That is also likely but with due diligence should be a smaller wave and less deadly than last spring. 

We must keep working and keep our children in school closing down to clean when necessary but always bringing the system back online as soon as possible. We know that masks work; handwashing works so we must do due diligence. Protect the vulnerable and stay home if that is your usual or go to work and school and wearing masks and doing hand washing frequently. 

My birthday dinner was Fish Soup made with salmon, scallops and cod with a tomato base and fresh herbs and garlic. Ladled over four one inch slices of a baguette that were drizzled in olive oil and browned under the broiler. Quite delicious and enjoyed by this now 75 year old. 

Our American neighbours have over 200,000 deaths from COVID-19. Our hearts go out to them in their trial. Making mask wearing a political statement has killed so many Americans. Hearing Canadian say fake news about the coronavirus and such things makes one wonder why they have lost their respect for other Canadians. What makes these people think that they are above the law?

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