Sunday, September 20, 2020

Solitaire as a brain trainer

Another good set of card games on Microsoft Solitaire to begin the day. It sets the brain function for me each new day. Sharpens up the attention to detail which has always been one of my features. But I can actually feel that eroding a little but this fraud event has brought it front and center to me that it is not entirely possible to protect yourself from fraud but you need to minimize the damage. I shall hate losing what now appears to be  just under $450 for sure. I am a penny pincher (interesting as the penny is no longer in circulation but a nickle pincher has not become a modern term). Although I can not imagine living to a ripe old age; I will try to save enough in case I do do that. Saving is in my blood. 

When I think back now to September 1974 I was losing weight rapidly, not sleeping and my brain was in a fog. The diagnosis was never quite completed but multiple sclerosis was being examined at the time of my hospitalization (an event I really do not remember). I was literally skin and bones with my blood level still only around 55 for hemoglobin (I had had a very difficult childbirth with a large loss of blood). I remember my family physician about six months later telling me that my future was in my hands as I did have to gain some weight; I needed to rest a lot or I would not see this baby raised to adulthood. I listened and followed his advice and the advice of the doctors that I had after we moved here. The doctor actually told me that one child is nice. Time passed and my health did improve sort of by leaps and then reversion and then leaps again. Gradually I built up my strength particularly when my baby went off to school. I could concentrate on me then for a few hours a day. I am an active walker and was soon back to walking and running which also built up my strength. Being a loner helped me I rather think and I did try very hard to stay that way when I was on my own. But back to 2020 and that was a long time ago and I have survived to be almost 75 years of age. I am healthier now than I was and so I must direct my thoughts towards preserving my finances and keeping fraudsters at bay. 

I have no idea on my protections within the banking system to fraud and I await that summation one of these days. I feel quite strongly that the person who committed the fraud should be made to pay up and do community service to pay for their crime against society. I can not imagine what kind of a sick mind gets involved in this kind of fraud; it is the kind of person though that society does not need for sure. 

And the good news of the day, I won $5 on 649. That is an occasional happening and reminds me that in spite of evil in the world there are still far more good things. Off to Church on youtube now and the reminder to myself that God punishes those who sin against his laws but man still has the duty to correct the wrongs of people and offer discipline whilst they await the judgement of God.

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