Sunday, September 27, 2020

Sunday again and Church at 10:30

Sunday, as a child Sunday was the beginning of the week, the first day.Our life, as a family, centered around the Church which was just around the corner from our house.

Another beautiful Fall day; the colours are becoming more and more brilliant. It is going to be a beautiful Fall. One of these days I must walk up to the highway as you can see the colours in the Gatineau Hills especially in the late afternoon coming back across the bridge from the bus stop. One of my favourite sights this time of year during my working years and still. 

Church is at 10:30 on You-Tube. I am hoping that this keeps on happening for a while yet. It has been a pleasant interlude during this pandemic to be back at Church again initially with the service online and my following it and now with the You-Tube Service. 

Blake Newsletter today again. 

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