Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Unpredictable weather today

 Busy day today as the sun goes in and out from behind the clouds. 

Published the Pincombe-Pinkham newsletter volume 5 issue 4 2020 on the project website with FT DNA. Next time I will try to talk a little about the yDNA project. For some people the results appeared to be somewhat unexpected as many people thought this was a singleton family whose spelling had drifted somewhat. I actually think it may be a family with three founders (or possibly more) and will talk about that in December in Volume 6. 

I have found that this idea of doing newsletters for my three projects has been a great idea. It lets me get my transcriptions out there so that they are freely accessible to people that would be most interested. People can still ask me questions about them but they are hidden behind a firewall which is the usual restriction on transcriptions from my understanding. I do not publish original images of crown documents as they are copyright protected for ever. I do seek permission for other documents that I have acquired to publish them but generally do not publish original documents other than what earlier researchers have produced. 

I actually managed to get back into my phasing project of my grandparents and I would like, once I have been through all the records that I have busily collected throughout this pandemic, will try to go to great grandparents so eight colours and trying to decide if I will keep the colour idea for each grandparents and simply used one dark colour and one lighter colour of the same for each set of great grandparents. 

This day September 1 COVID-19 cases in the United States are at 6,118,204 confirmed (36,832 more than yesterday), 186,348 deaths (470 more than yesterday) and 3,218,565 recovered (16,108 more than yesterday). It is six months now that we have watched our American neighbours suffering and so many deaths. It is so hard to believe as their CDC has been such a powerful organization unfettered by the whims of the political fray. We will continue to mourn for our American neighbours. I must check again to see how my second cousins are doing. They have been Americans now for over a century.

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