Wednesday, October 28, 2020

A Dusting of Snow

This morning I was greeted with a dusting of snow over everything. The ethereal beauty of the first snows are breath taking. I love living in a country that has real winter. 

COVID-19 continues to loom over us with increasing numbers. We mustn't let our caution down as we are entering into the most dangerous time of the year for us here in Canada. It is cold here and most things happen indoors where the greatest danger of transmission occurs. 

This year has passed so quickly although I have not accomplished too much. The year began with my recovering from my knee injury and then my husband's condition deteriorated. He remains on the side of life; he would like to live to be 90 and I will try to help him with that; we have been a team like that throughout our 54 year marriage. I tend to be the helper that is for sure but I do not regret taking that on at 20 years of age. Having four brothers and being a middle child perhaps tends to make me be more of a helper than a leader. I spent my young years following my older brothers about much to their dislike on occasion - I can remember being sent home! 

Ed has good days and bad days but he is content to work away on his Kipp and Link family genealogies trying to gather it all up so that it can be passed on to others with his same interest. We spent the first eight years of our marriage collecting information that he knew about whilst his mother was still alive to help with her side of the family. His father died when he was two but his uncle was most helpful with family history. 

I am enjoying the view from my work window. The trees have a lovely covering of white fluffy snow.

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