Sunday, October 18, 2020

Hallowe'en not happening - continuing with the return to modified Stage 2

Hallowe'en is not happening in our city but it was a good decision. Unfortunately for the children of course but the two main needs are really people working and children going to school. Everything else can be on hold for a bit. We still can shop but in a careful way. The four week shutdown is already half way through and hopefully in two more weeks we will see a good decrease in cases but that isn't showing up yet. 

We were shopping the other day and watched as one store worker was distributing items around the store. He was wearing a mask but his nose was not covered so if he did have COVID-19 he was spreading virus all over the store as he delivered items here and there. Plus his mask had been used a lot of times. People have to be attentive and protect both themselves and the people who are coming into that store. If it had been momentary I would not have even mentioned it but we were in that store and in that general location for at least ten minutes. If he needs a break from mask wearing then he should ask for that but not continue to spread germs if he actually did have COVID-19 which I admit he probably does not have but none the less the 28 day shutdown was to slow down the virus and we all need to adhere to the rules. 

I feel the biggest losers in all of this are the children even though the death rate is highest for the elderly. They do not have a say in how the world goes; they just have to live in the world that adults create. What memories they will have of this time and they may not be that complimentary towards the adults who think they can party in large numbers endangering them and everyone else. It could be that events such as these will be shunned by the next generation because of their actions. 

 Canada is still in the midst of the second wave. Our land border remains closed and there is a compulsory two week quarantine if you come into Canada from anywhere. 

Church today and I shall pray for the people of the world that we may see an end to COVID-19. But it is not in God's hands; it is in our hands to end this pandemic.

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