Friday, October 9, 2020

Killer frost last night

 Last night was the first of the killer frosts to come. Pepper plants succumbed which was good as I wanted to get them out into the recycling. Tomato plants still producing so they will be covered a little longer. The dahlias survived and look great today. A little colour  for a few more days plus the trees are pretty much turned or turning. A beautiful Fall day that started with heavy fog but lifted fairly early.

Off for groceries first thing as we will do the Thanksgiving chicken on Saturday leaving us Sunday and Monday to enjoy leftovers. We will do Thanksgiving by skype on Monday perhaps. Ottawa is having even more cases so need to be cautious. 

I am looking forward to winter and all that isolation that it will bring. Sounds great actually. The only drawback to all of this is not being able to attend my brother's funeral although it might be virtual; do not know that yet. We were close as children then drifted apart during the teen years and after my husband and I moved here. He never came to visit us here so the girls did not get to know him that well although they do remember him fondly and were sad to hear of his death. He seemed so young as our parents survived to 95 (my father) and 85 (my mother). Our grandparents lived to be 81 (maternal grandmother), 79 (paternal grandfather), 64 (paternal grandmother) and 53 (maternal grandfather). But he had had a heart attack at 38 so perhaps 77 was a good age considering two quadruple bypasses. 

Probably no genealogy today; too much else going on. Thinking about the H11 Newsletter due on the 1st of November. This will be a short one once again as I do the yearly look at subclades in the first issue of the next volume due out on the 1st of February 2021.

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