Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Leaves are falling

I can almost feel the end of the season these days. The leaves are falling. I can hardly wait for them to be all down on the ground. We have too many to just leave there as it would be a soggy mess in the spring. Over the next couple of weeks we will put out about a dozen or so bags of leaves. It keeps people working and hopefully someone buys it for mulch from the city. 

Soon I will be back to genealogy and I must begin to think about what I want to work on. Certainly I need to get the H11 Newsletter written as it is due in another twelve days. It will be short though as I only do a complete listing of all the subhaplogroup subclades once a year. There are a number of new members and by and large most of them still live in Europe and spread across Europe from Ireland to Russia and as far south as the Mediterranean. But the bulk of them are in Central and Western Europe, Scandinavia and Russia/Ukraine/Baltic States. That is still a lot but gradually a picture is emerging as subclades become more and more subdivided and for some lucky people like myself I can tell that my ancient ancestress lived in Ayrshire/Argyllshire Scotland about eight to twelve thousand years ago. Doesn't help me much with the present but it is rather fascinating that my maternal grandmother was born in Birmingham which as the crow flies is not that far from Ayrshire/Argyllshire Scotland.

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