Saturday, October 10, 2020

Matches continue to come in and Doug

Worked on the Ancestry matches this morning for a half hour or so. Compared to my husband over the same time period we get about 10% of the matches that he gets. With his early American Colonial Ancestry, he has by far more matches than we do. I must start looking at Living DNA matches. It always takes me a while to get into a new database and they are at their beginning stages anyway. I see there are quite a few matches there though but the ones that are going to most interest me will be people living in England since my father was born there and three of my four grandparents.

Doug remains in my thoughts still. I expect I will be thinking about him the rest of my days as each day I check our DNA accounts. It was a good idea that he had actually although once implanted in my brain I did run with it possibly far beyond his initial thoughts. He was just curious about our yDNA line and whether we were related to the Irish Blake family. Indeed I still can not answer that question as the Blake haplogroup line that we descend from is most commonly found in that Galway area of Ireland but it is likely that our ancient ancestors traveled across Europe and ancient Doggerland into the British Isles and our ancestor chose to stay in the Andover, Hampshire area whilst others of this haplogroup moved on to other areas of the British Isles. 

When we were young Doug was the one who taught me how to tie my shoes as we wore brown oxfords all the time in those days. I was always tying them up backwards to the way that my mother showed me so Doug showed me a new way to tie my shoes so that they still looked correct but I could manage it. I was just four years old and off to Kindergarten. It was during that year that we had an enormous snowfall and they sent us home early. All of the Kindergarten children had to be escorted so my two older brothers each took one of my hands and literally pulled me home! My legs were not long enough to get through the deep snow. They also carried me some of the way as well (that would have been my oldest brother (five years older)) and when we arrived my glasses were frozen to my face. I can remember a lot of times together with my two older brothers and my older sister as we would play cards and board games since I made number four of that grouping.

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