Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Pound Cake

Found an excellent recipe for Pound Cake with a bare minimum of salt (8 mg per slice) so made that today for Ed. He loves cakes, pies and all things dessert wise. We are now making absolutely everything from scratch for him and he is really enjoying his meals again. He misses the salt for sure. 

Ed is busy working on his Kipp collection. I think he should ask Library and Archives Canada if they would like it. The Kipp family were early settlers in Oxford County but also early settlers in British Columbia. He has a lot of pictures that were given to him for the Kipp family book that he wrote 45 years ago. I think he had around 100 printed and they have been gone for a long time. Now the book is in electronic form and much much longer but it contains all of those early pictures of the Kipp family. 

Myself I am working away on phasing my grandparents DNA (actually already phased and I just keep refining it with new matches). The occasional change but for the most part the set of results that I have are pretty settled. I want to move on to my great grandparents. With nearly 1000 matches and about 250 known matches working on great grandparents is doable. 

We are down to the last items to do outside before winter. The air conditioner is now covered for winter. The swing will go in towards the end of the week and the snow fence goes up probably just before the first big snowfall. One last run through the leaves and we will have seven bags for collection. We mulched them this time so they are quite compacted. 

Now we just have to check out the generator and make sure we are ready with that and also the snowblower although we are going to have a company clear the laneway but there are still the two patios to clear.

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