Saturday, October 17, 2020

What can one do at 75?

To be honest, if I could work setting my own hours and days, it would be possible for me to continue working but I knew that when I retired I needed to do so. I needed to retire as I had injured my shoulder and definitely it needed a good six months of minimal use but still doing recuperative physiotherapy. The physiotherapy exercises I did faithfully for five years four times a day. I can do anything with that shoulder now pretty much although it can get tired but then so does the rest of me!

When I see comments about a 77 year old being able to run a country when he has vast experience doing so I am on his side with that regard (although the same goes for a 74 year old not picking sides). He is physically active biking (something I no longer do outside but still on a stationary bike) and running. His mind not quite as sharp as it once was perhaps although I thought he did really well in the debate which I watched for the first hour. I am most inclined to believe in following the rules of debating that I learned as a student. You do let the other person speak and then you rebut what he/she says calmly and efficiently. I loved debating in my high school years. 

So I think you can do a lot of things at 75? Not really ready for a nursing home for sure although some people are. They have lived their life too quickly perhaps or just unlucky with the genes. 

Which brings me back to today's work. I need to continue cutting down the plants so that I do not have that mush to deal with in the spring. I need to pull up the zinnias as they have had their last look of glory and really need to be pulled up. Then there will be the leaves. That is a task that involves at least a dozen to a dozen and a half large paper garden bags and will be almost the last task of fall cleanup. Looking forward to closing the doors and only going outside for pleasure walking. Gardening is not really my thing although I will say it is excellent exercise. 

My Church Service is in my inbox and isn't it hard to believe that another entire week has passed.

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