Tuesday, November 24, 2020

A new cousin from Australia

Although I had found a new cousin in Australia a while ago I had not really looked carefully at the data. It is an interesting match that four of my siblings have with this match - 42 centimorgans in one block (plus two of them have a second match). I do not match at all but it is on a chromosome where I am not matching my siblings on my paternal side at all. It does look like a Rawlings match and a return email leaves us with that thought of working on the new match after the New Year. It is amazing to talk about the New Year. It does hold so much hope for the world with three vaccines coming to fruition. 

Good news from our American neighbours with the transition to a new team moving forward. CDC has been so maligned these past couple of years that their advice not to travel during their Thanksgiving festivities has been ignored by over three million thus far as that many have traveled already and the holiday is still two more days. Prayers that COVID-19 will not increase as much as is suggested by the modeling. It will be so nice to have a President who lets CDC do their job and respects them for it. America deserves better for sure. 

We are of course struggling with growing numbers of cases here as this idea that wearing a mask is something that could ever restrict your freedom. If you do not want to wear a mask then stay home; what right does anyone have to subject the people around them to possibility of COVID-19? It is up to all of us to do our part to slow the spread of this disease; protect our hospital infrastructure and our physicians who have to care for the patients therein. There is no freedom for anyone unless all of us have the freedom to clean air. How can people be so ignorant?

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